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About Me

I grew up on a small farm.  Upon graduating high school I joined the Marines, began college and got married (busy year).  I finished college and my wife and I had our first child, Brecia, in 2001.  I began managing full time with Wal-Mart so my wife could stay at home and spend more time with our daughter.

We began the first of many moves with Wal-Mart and the military while she stayed at home.  While we were away from the Ozarks, we had our second child, Cade.  We eventually moved back to this area in 2006 and shortly there after my wife began teaching again.  I ended my career with Wal-Mart in 2007 to return to teaching and finally use my degree and pursue my passion of teaching.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with your children and help them develop into responsible young people and independent learners.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. October 27, 2010 8:12 pm

    hi mr. daniel i miss benton so mutch i almost want to come back at the middel school we have lots of homework o and by the way i found my glasses the were lol 🙂 today i had alot of fun we had a super sociel thats where i still got a gold card witch is relly good 🙂 o by the way if u dont remember me im the 1 who talked alot well got to go bye 🙂

    p.s happy b-day and happy halowen

  2. chloe permalink
    December 13, 2010 5:46 pm

    your the best teacher i ever had u rock mr.daniel

  3. chloe permalink
    December 13, 2010 5:47 pm

    have a grate christmas

  4. shelby raulston permalink
    January 11, 2011 12:32 pm

    i miss your class so much its been 4 years wow ! :/ i will have to stop by sometime and see that picture of me and madi or ashley cant member what one it was .

  5. Shayleen permalink
    January 28, 2011 6:40 pm

    Hey I miss u when u were my social studies teacher but my sister, Starleen tells me what happens in your classroom when it is new because she gets home and tells who ever is in the room but I like the Middle School even though it is hard sometimes but I made new friends to and some of my old friends are still my friends and are in my class like Emily Rice who is in my class and I like my new social studies teacher but I still miss u but any ways I am tired so good bye!

  6. Starleen permalink
    February 1, 2011 1:28 pm

    hi mr.daniel i went outside today and measured the snow it is a ft. high you were exactally right,but its snowing even harder and its getting higher and one more thing im reading too so thats all and YOUR THE BEST MR.DANIEL!

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